• FEATURE: There was no way to print $500, as that was interpreted as a symbol.
  • BUGFIX: There was no way to create synonym for 'the'.
  • BUGFIX: Compiler did not adhere to "Option Debug." in the source.
  • BUGFIX: You could say "Container Taking <x>" without warnings or errors even if the class <x> was not allowed in container (actors and locations).
  • BUGFIX: Description Checks was not respected when auto-listing instances at a location.
  • BUGFIX: Improved error handling for syntax errors in names, which previously could cause a System Error.

What They Say

"[the game] does not represent the real capabilities of the Alan Language but does demonstrate Alan's amazing ability to allow someone who has never done an iota of computer programming of any kind to produce SOMETHING within a few weeks!"

Eric Mayer (on his game HeBGB Horrors)