• Feature: nested locations, by locating locations in each other you can create nested scopes. You can even do this during run-time, perhaps a tool to create vehicles? Read more in the manual.
  • Allowed more general expressions in Locate At statement and Isa expressions.
  • Now generates an IFID as per The Babel Treaty.
  • Rules are now also run immediately after the game is set-up.
  • Bug: Fixed a few problems with "open" verbs in the library.
  • Bug: added inherited reference attributes could sometimes cause a crash.
  • A pronoun in player input, matching multiple parameters, now gives an error message.
  • Bug: An empty container clause terminated by a full stop would cause random errors caused by uninitialized data.
  • Bug: Renaming the WinArun interpreter to a game name would crash on game save.
  • Bug: Negative integer literals would cause a system error.
  • Bug: Full lists of multiply nested imported files would print incorrectly.

What They Say

"I think it's the best IF language I've ever seen - and I *am* a programmer."

Andrew Heale