Alan is continuosly built using a so called Continuous Integration (CI) job. Whenever there is a change in the source code repo on Github a job is run to compile and package various packages, the Development Snapshots, or alpha stream.

The machine that hosts that job had a sudden breakdown in February 2021, and it has not been rebuilt yet. That means that for the time being there will be no new alpha versions built.

Furthermore the last couple of development snapshots seem to have gone bad rendering them unusable if you don't have Cygwin (Linux emulation layer for windows) installed.

We apologize and will give updates as soon as that the CI chain is up and running again.


The AlanIF continuous integration pipeline has now been up and running for a while. That means that new development snapshots are uploaded automatically as soon as they pass all tests. You can find them here.

What They Say

"An easy to learn system with the ability to do some amazing things."
