6 - Lesson Six

6.1 - Verb Checking

When the player enters a command you will want the game to check that the command is reasonable. The Alan system checks some obvious things automatically - for example if the player tries to pick up an object that isn't at the current location, Arun replies that the object can't be seen. The author may want to do other, more complicated checks - to see if objects are edible, readable or too heavy to lift for example. This can be done by defining object 'attributes'.

6.2 - Object Attributes

Lets place a couple more objects in the street:

You will notice that these object definitions both include a phrase IS NOT Takeable and the rubbish tin definition includes the phrase CONTAINER. These are example of object 'attributes.' The container attribute is a special built-in Alan attribute that we will discuss at the end of this lesson. 'Takeable' on the other hand is an object attribute that I have simply made up. Default object attributes are created by entering a section like this anywhere in the Alan source code:

After takeable you could list any other attributes you might want to use in the game such as edible, eatable, sticky or whatever.

All objects in the game will have the attributes listed under OBJECT ATTRIBUTES by default. So all objects - such as the 'note' - in our game will be 'takeable' by default. If an object should have other than the default state of an attribute the author can over-ride the default in the object definition. In our example game the player is not allowed to pick up the bomb or rubbish tin so they have IS NOT Takeable in their definitions.

6.2.1 - Local Object Attributes

You can also use attributes that aren't relevant to all objects by specifying them just in the objects that need them. For example you might want one object, perhaps a glob of glue, to be 'sticky' until it dries out. You can define a 'sticky' attribute for the glue object just by adding the phrase IS Sticky. to the definition of your 'glob of glue' object:

Because it isn't defined in the OBJECT ATTRIBUTES section, the 'sticky' attribute is undefined for other objects. Therefore you can't check the stickiness of objects in global verbs. Only verbs within the definition 'glob of glue' object will be able to use the 'sticky' attribute.

6.2.2 - Numeric and Text Object Attributes

Attributes don't have to be either on or off - 'IS' or 'IS NOT'. You can also define attributes that hold a value - either a number or a text string. For example:

You can read more about attributes in section 3.3 of the Alan manual.

6.3 - Checking Attributes in Verb Definitions

Object attributes become useful when we incorporate attribute 'checks' in our verb definitions. For example, to make use of a 'takeable' attribute we would check that an object was 'takeable' in the definition of the 'take' verb.

So when a player tries to take an object by typing 'take note' for example, the 'take' verb now checks to see if the object has the Takeable attribute. If so, the DOES part of the verb definition is executed. If not the ELSE part of the CHECK is executed and the rest of the verb definition is ignored.

You can string a variety of checks together in one verb with AND between the checks. All the checks must be passed if the DOES part of the verb is to be executed.

6.4 - Defining Verb Parameters

We haven't defined a syntax for 'take' in earlier lessons because the 'take' verb follows the default Alan syntax of 'verbname followed by an objectname'. For some purposes an author may want to define the syntax for a 'verb object' verb.

The standard syntax for a take verb, if it was required, would be something like this

We haven't seen a syntax with a word in brackets before. This means that the syntax for the 'take' verb is the word 'take' followed by any other word that the player types in and lets call that second word obj. The object names the player types when entering a command are called verb 'parameters.' We can use the 'obj' parameter in verb CHECKs and so on where we previously had the keyword OBJECT. Like OBJECT, the 'obj' parameter refers to whatever game object the player named after the word 'take' in their command input.

6.4.1 - Using OBJECT with Defined Syntax Verbs

We can interchange the use of OBJECT (which, by default, is the Alan parameter that refers to the first object mentioned in the player's input) and Obj (or whatever else you define in your 'take' SYNTAX statement). You may prefer to still use the keyword OBJECT for simple verbs like 'take' so that the take verb looks similar to other verbs like 'read' or 'eat' which don't have a syntax defined and therefore use the default OBJECT keyword. It would probably make your source code more readable though to use the parameter name you've defined if a verb does have a SYNTAX statement.

6.4.2 - Multiple Object Verbs

You might be wondering why you might want to define the syntax for a verb that uses the default 'verb object' syntax. One reason is to allow the use of multiple objects with the verb.

For some verbs, such as take, the player may want to perform the verb on more than one object at a time. For example, the player may want to type "take the salt and the pepper" or "take all". If the player tried this in a game where the 'take' verb used the default syntax the game would reply "You can't refer to multiple objects with 'take'."

The author can allow the player to refer to multiple objects with a verb by adding an asterisk after the object parameter name in the SYNTAX statement. For example, in the case of the 'take' verb, we would simply add an asterix to the end of the SYNTAX definition.

6.5 - Object Names

As with locations, we can give objects more descriptive names by adding a NAME clause after the OBJECT statement.

The default description of this object will now be 'There is a big rubbish tin here' and the player can refer to the object with its full name - for example 'take big rubbish tin'. Arun assumes that the last word in the NAME phrase is a noun and any words before it are adjectives. It allows the player to refer to the object by just the last word, the 'noun' - eg 'take tin' - or with any or all of the adjectives as well - eg: 'take big tin' or 'take rubbish tin' - and it even accepts the adjectives out of order - eg 'take rubbish big tin'

Remember that if a word in the NAME clause is enclosed in single quote-marks (perhaps because the name contains an Alan keyword) the word has to be in lower case so the player can use it. For example

6.6 - Object Synonyms

You can add even more ways the player can refer to an object by defining synonyms for the object's name or for the words in the NAME clause if the object has one. You define synonyms for object names or adjectives the same way we've defined them for verbs in earlier lessons. For example

The player can now refer to the tin as a 'can' or a 'garbage can' or a 'garbage tin' or a 'big garbage can', etc.

6.7 - IF and CHECK Statements in Verbs

As well as using CHECK statements to check if using the verb makes sense in the current circumstances (and displaying some text if it doesn't), the game author can use another type of Alan statement, the IF statement, within a verb's DOES section to enable the verb to do different things depending on the circumstances.

Let's use the 'read' verb for the 'note' object to illustrate the difference between CHECK and IF statements.

The 'read' verb could contain a CHECK statement to see if the player has the object.

If the player doesn't have the object then the CHECK would not be 'passed' and the "You don't have that." message would be displayed. The remainder of the verb definition, including the DOES section, would not be executed.

You could be kinder to the player by defining an IF statement within the DOES section of the verb to automatically pick up the note if the player tries to read the note when they don't already have it.

6.8.1 - The Difference between IF and CHECK

The difference between CHECK and IF statements is that CHECK statements are used before the main DOES section of a verb to verify that the circumstances are suitable for executing the rest of the verb while IF statements are used within the DOES section to allow the verb to do various things depending on various circumstances.

CHECK statements don't offer as much programming flexibility as IF statements because if a CHECK is not passed then the remainder of the verb definition is not executed. On the other hand, if the result of an IF statement is just going to be a 'you can't do that' type of message it would be better to use a CHECK statement.

6.8.2 CHECKs and 'take all'

For example using CHECKs rather than IF statements in the 'take' verb makes the command 'take all' work better. Arun will perform the verb on all objects that are available at the current location, except the ones that don't pass the CHECKs for the verb. So by using CHECKs instead of IF statements, the ALL mechanisms will be much more natural:

We defined the take verb like this using CHECKs

Instead we could've defined it like this using IFs

But if many 'not takeable' objects were at the current location that second definition of the verb could result in an untidy response like this to 'take all'

> take all
(air) You can't take that!
(sky) You can't take that!
(ground) You can't take that!
(shirt) You can't take that!
(pants) You can't take that!
(wicker basket) You can't take that!
(old radio) You can't take that!
(office chair) You can't take that!
(snub nose gun) Taken. 

Because when processing multiple objects, CHECK messages aren't displayed, using our CHECKs version you would get the following

> take all
(snub nose gun) Taken. 

6.9 - 'put' - a two-object verb

So far we've defined verbs that involve no objects (eg: 'quit') or one object (eg: 'read') now we'll define a verb with two objects. Using a SYNTAX statement we can define complicated phrases like 'put the fruit in the bowl' (A player always has the option of typing 'the' in front of an object name. Arun ignores such words so they don't have to be separately specified in the SYNTAX statement.)

A simple 'put' verb could then be defined like this

Note how we are now using the bracketed words in the SYNTAX statement in the verb definition. The bracketed words or 'parameters' are the way to identify the objects the player mentioned in their command.

Of-course we should add some CHECK statements to the verb to make sure the player is attempting something that is currently possible

6.10 Using player text in game output

The second CHECK in the example above - "AND Obj2 HERE" - is not necessary as, by default, Alan only allows the player to refer to objects at the current location anyway.

I added that redundant check to help illustrate another Alan feature. You will notice the use of $1 and $2 in the quoted text in that example. These two phrases refer to the first and second parameters in the SYNTAX statement - obj1 and obj2 respectively. For example, if the player typed 'put the note in the tin' and the player didn't currently have the note, the "Obj1 IN Inventory" CHECK would not be passed and the text "You don't have the note" would be displayed by Arun.

The recommended alternative to using $1 and $2 in text is to use a SAY statement. The statement SAY obj1 . would display the name of the first object referred to by the player. So an alternative way of defining the above 'put' verb would be

I find that a bit long-winded so, being a bit lazy, I stick to using $1 and $2 etc. One difference between using $1 etc and SAY is that $1 echoes the text the player used to refer to an object but 'SAY Obj1' etc uses the object's defined name. The author can choose which effect is more desirable in different circumstances and choose one or the other method.

For example, the player could type 'put message in the tin' as "message" is a synonym for "note". If the 'note' object wasn't at the player's location and the author had used SAY Obj1 the response would be "You don't have the note", if the author had used $1 the response would be "You don't have the message".

6.11 - Syntax Checking

We can also add some checking to the SYNTAX definition. 'Syntax checking' is done using a WHERE statement. At the SYNTAX definition level you can check that the player is using the right types of objects in the right order in the command. For example, the statement 'WHERE obj1 ISA Object' checks that the player hasn't entered, for example, the name of a location when only the name of an object makes sense

You could check some of those sorts of things using CHECKs in the start of the verb definition or even IF statements in the DOES part of the verb but it is more logical to check that the right type of words are being used at the very beginning of the process of deciphering what the player is trying to say.

Furthermore, syntax checks are an important aid to avoiding 'run-time errors.' Run-time errors are problems, such as dividing a number by zero, that can occur when a program is executed even though the program's source code was valid and compilable.

Attempting to put one object into another object that isn't a container is an example of a run-time error that could occur in an Interactive FIction program. The Alan compiler tries to detect any source code which might result in run-time errors and refuses to compile it. The author's syntax checks assist the Alan compiler to perform this source code verification. For example, because we defined obj2 as a container in the syntax for the 'put' verb, the Alan compiler will allow Alan statements like LIST and EMPTY to be used in association with obj2 in the 'put' verb otherwise the compiler would not.

6.12 Describing a container's contents

When we defined the 'list_inventory' verb we used the LIST statement to display the contents of the 'inventory' object. LIST can be used to display the contents of any container. We can add the statement LIST Tin to the DESCRIPTION section of the 'tin' object so the contents of the rubbish tin are included in the 'street' location description.

If there is nothing in the rubbish tin, the default text "The rubbish tin is empty'"appears in the location description. When playing the example game for lesson six, try putting the note into the rubbish tin and then using the 'look' command to see the effect of the LIST statement.

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