Development Kits 3.0beta4 Beta

Released on: Friday, 14 March 2014 01:00

Alan SDK for Windows (GUI)

Windows XP Windows 7

alan3_0beta4.win32.x86.setup.exe Download now

Alan SDK for Windows (command line)

Windows XP Windows 7 Download now

Alan SDK for Linux

Linux 64bit Linux32

alan3_0beta4.linux.x86.tgz Download now

Alan SDK for MacOSX


alan3_0beta4.macosx.x86.tgz Download now


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What They Say

"All those weirdly arranged parentheses, and semi-colons and strange curlicues hanging out in the middle of blank lines. Impossible. But when I looked at Alan I saw the light or, at least, English."

Eric Mayer